April 2023
Don’t let confusing technical jargon get in the way of your customers’ success!
The writing style of the original text is highly technical and precise, which is suitable for conveying important safety information regarding the use of exercise equipment. The language used is formal, and the tone is serious, emphasizing the importance of safety precautions.
However, technical jargon can sometimes make it challenging for customers to understand the instructions and warnings, leading to improper use of equipment, which may result in serious injuries.
For instance, phrases such as “musculoskeletal discomfort” isn’t quite easily understood by customers who are not familiar with medical terminology. Similarly, terms like “Qualified Trainer” may not be clear to some users.
To avoid such issues, it is crucial to communicate safety information in a way that is easy to understand and accessible to the general public. It is important to use simple, clear, and concise language that is understandable by a broad audience.
Moreover, providing visual aids such as diagrams, pictures, and videos can be helpful in supplementing written instructions and enhancing customer understanding. Using a conversational tone, instead of a formal or technical one, can also make safety information more accessible and relatable.
In conclusion, while technical jargon is essential in certain contexts, it can hinder customer understanding in safety-related matters. Therefore, it is crucial to communicate safety information in a way that is easy to understand and accessible to a broad audience. This can be achieved through the use of Simplified English, clear and simple instructions, and avoiding technical terms or jargon wherever possible. By doing so, customers can more easily understand the instructions and use the equipment safely and efficiently.
Sign up for our Simplified Technical English workshop and learn how to communicate clearly and effectively.